A "Leaning-to play-for-pleasure" course offered to adults by using chords & fill-ins. Learning various style & rhythm accompaniments.
Keyboard Group Class :
Special for kids from age 5 to 7
Rock School
Rock School Syllabus :
Rock school is designed for all ages and levels of ability. We provide grade exams in Guitar, Drums, Bass and Vocals from Grade 1 to 8. We also provide various style of music like pop, rock and basic jazz.
The Harp Course :
ABRSM - Associated Board of the Royal School of Music
Suzuki Method for young harpists from 3 yearas of age and up.
Music & Movement
Orff-Schulwerk Approach
Orff Schulwewrk is based on things children naturally like to do such as sing, ryhmes, dance, clap and etc. These instincts are directed to learning music by eharing and making music first, then reading and writing it later.
Activity :
AMPAC Percussion Ensemble
Dance Department
We provide variouse type of dance suitable for minimum 3 years old kids untill adult. The courses are a below :