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 Corporate Programs   Leadership Genius
Product Code : LG

Leadership Genius

Program Benefits

The role of Leadership is to create and empower more Leaders, not more followers. The Genius Leader creates an environment where people say, "We did it ourselves!" This program will assist Manager and Executives in the development of Genius Leadership Skills modelled from World Class Leaders:

  • Developing a personal leadership style and mindset
  • Developing a well formed outcome and vision that increases leadership effectiveness
  • Motivating employees to actualize all their potential
  • Creating and sustaining cultural change based on continuous improvement

Learning Outcomes

Participants who have completed this module would be able to:

  1. Develop an outcome and vision for each department and the company
  2. Motivate and empower each employee to take immediate action
  3. Create positive and proactive mindsets in each employee
  4. Create sustainable cultural change in each department and the company


Develop An Outcome and Vision

  • The Leadership Mindset
  • Developing Outcome and Vision
  • Resolving Current and Potential Problems
  • Communicating the Outcome and Vision

Motivate and Empower Employees

  • Motivating Immediate Action
  • Overcoming Employee Excuses
  • Creating Positive Mindsets
  • Creating Proactive Mindsets

Create Sustainable Cultural Change

  • Installing and Sustaining Values
  • Aligning Different Personal Intentions
  • Aligning Different Employee Mindsets
  • Overcoming Resistance to Change

Module Durations

  • 2 Days

Target Group

Managers and Executives

Leadership Genius is an International Licensed Training Program based on Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP) and Neuro-Semantics (NS) Technology. Completion of the Leadership Genius and Communication Genius will enable the participants to receive the International Certificate for Accessing Personal Genius from the International Society of Neuro-Semantics (ISNS)

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