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 Anne Musikschule Performing Arts Centre Sdn Bhd
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Recital Hall
 Product Details
 Recital Hall   Rental   Recital Hall Rental
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Ampac recital hall is a good location for the musician or dances to have their small concert, ensemble. We have a stage with a proper and standard sound and lighting system. Besides, we also have a grand piano. The capacity for the hall can be up to 100 people.

Rentall fees

With sound and lighting system: RM 100.00/ hour or RM 700.00/ day

Without sound and lighting system: RM 80.00/ hour or RM 500.00/ day

Grand piano: RM 100 / day

For more enquiries please call 03 - 7842 2420

(c) 2006-2009 Anne Musikschule Performing Arts Centre Sdn Bhd. All rights reserved.