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 Anne Musikschule Performing Arts Centre Sdn Bhd
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 Music School   Orff Schulverk Approach

Department Head : Savy Ho 

For Early Chilhood Music & Movement Class

Savvy Ho is an outstanding violinist and pianist with exposure spanning over a wide array of music genre, such as Jazz, R&B, Rock and Classical. Upon graduating from an acclaimed music institution in Malaysia, International College of Music (ICOM), certified from the University of Westminster in London, returning as a Bachelor of Music, majored in Professional Music Arranging and Production. 

With her knowledge and experience gained in the music industry to date, she may be casually, but no less fittingly acknowledged as a freelance songwriter and arranger, music educator, sessionist, and early childhood music education course designer. 

Her noteworthy, also more recent, involvement in music presentations include, inter alia, performing at : 

  • KLCC’s Concert Merdeka in 2005 as a keyboardist for numerous local artists, for instance Zainal Abidin, Anuar Zain, Amy Search, Rahim Maarof and Joe Wings
  • KL Performing Arts Centre as a classical violinist under their resident orchestra, the KLPac Sinfonietta, for the Candle Light Christmas show in 2006
  • The 250th Anniversary of Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, as a violinist, for University Putra Malaysia’s Concert Series in 2006
  • Sunrise’s Jazz and Rhythm Festival in 2006
  • Various Occasions/events in Singapore as a keyboardist in a rock band, Plush in 2005 

Among her achievements in music production, the most impressive would be respected by her involvements with album production for two well-received contestants of Akedemi Fantasia and Malaysian Idol, Fara and Dina. Further, and more relevant to her position in Anne Musikchule, she was selected to be a film scorer for a children’s television production which was broadcasted on our local TV station, RTM 2- Planet Bizzaro, The World Azzording to Zoomer. 

Having summed up her  music influences thus far, it is evident that she deserved not to be mistaken as a jack of all music trades, master of none, but contrary. Her comprehensive musical exposure has enhanced her position as an experienced, skilled and well-informed teacher.


The importance of music education for children 

Children response to noise and sounds before they were born. Sciencetific research shows children are provided myriads of cells to develop their brain from antenatal (before birth) to teenage years. During this period, it is the child’s peak learning period and every opportunity to stimulate the brain must not be foregone. You can tell from the way a baby looks around with wonder at almost everything. The way he/she listens to sounds, recognizes the mother and her voice and responding to smiles and gentle loving words. 

With simple musical sounds, a child will learn to recognized it and move and sway along with its rhythm. This stimulating experience will last a lifetime and can be developed into a healthy and enriching lifestyle. 

Music education stimulates creativity in every person. For a child in particular, it builds confidence when he/she is able to perform in front of an audience. As he/she practices for exams or performance, it teaches the child discipline and hardwork. A caring teacher will there to encourage the child to excel and do the best they can. When the child plays music together with other  musicians, it teaches him/her teamwork and social skills. Above all, music education allows the child to appreciates the wonderful sounds of different musical instruments, from classical, jazz, pop and rock. It is an all round development which will prepare every child for adulthood. 

Vision :         

  • Building children’s life through music 

Mission :         

  • To develop creative minds
  • To let the children have fun
  • To develop children’s character
  • To expose children to environment of performance
  • To develop sense of excellence in everything they do
  • To create an environment of love and refuge and everyone will want to come

Current Classes available

1) Little Lion (18 months - 3 years)

Thursday 7.15pm - 7.45pm

2) Happy Hamster (3 - 4 years old)

Friday 7.00pm - 7.45pm


Saturday 9.30am - 10.15am

3) Cool Cats (5 - 7 years old)

Thursday 7.45pm - 8.45pm


Friday 7.45pm - 8.45pm


Any enquiries please contact us at 603-78422420 !!

(c) 2006-2009 Anne Musikschule Performing Arts Centre Sdn Bhd. All rights reserved.