This programmed is a revolutionary method of remembering important information by using proven memory enhancement techniques including mnemonics. Learners are trained to use both sides of the brain to code and decode information and to work with both images and language together. Educational Goals and Benefits Recognizing the benefits and joy of having a powerful memory, U C MAS Memory Technique programmed sets out to help adults and children from all walks of life to unleash their memory power to lead more fulfilling lives. Utilizing multi-sensory training techniques, U C MAS Memory Technique is a comprehensive course that develops the potential of the right brain so that information received could be sustained in the brain for longer periods of time and be retrieved in a fast and effective way. This is achieved through strengthening learners' ability to visualize and make associations effectively from the things that they see or hear. At the same time, concentration power and creativity would be greatly enhanced with our special training. Our course materials are clear and precise, with step-by-step instructions that are easy to learn to achieve optimal results. Most importantly, our course integrates practical skills with theoretical skills, which promises an interactive and fun learning experience for our students.U C MAS Memory Technique programmed is taught in three levels which are Elementary, Intermediate and Higher. Duration for each level is three months. It covers various topics on Memory Technique, Mental Mapping and Speed Reading. With U C MAS Memory Technique, learners will discover how to: - Exercise their brain, tap into it and utilize it to the fullest potential
- Increase concentration power
- Improve creativity through multi-sensory learning
- Increase alertness and awareness through observation training
- Boost self-confidence and enthusiasm through positive mental training
With U C MAS Speed Reading, learners will discover how to: - Overcome common reading problems
- Utilize proven techniques to increase reading and learning speeds
- Increase your comprehension & immediate recall of information through association
- Increase your concentration through relaxation and breathing practice
- Develop your latent and suppressed talents by understanding how your mind reads
- Reduce eyestrain and make reading an enjoyable experience
U C MAS Memory Technique programmed is an effective training that enables you to discover your latent potential and improve your memory skills. Our programmed strives to unlock the capacities of the mind, thus enhancing your creativity, competence and productivity. Course Structure Learners' levels | Suitable for primary and secondary school students | Course duration | 9 months | Entry requirements | None | Certifying Authorities | U C MAS Memory Technique Research Academy | Teacher/learner ratio | 1:15 | Course session | 2 hours per week (to be allocated flexibly) | Medium of instruction | Bahasa Malaysia, Mandarin or English |
Educational Issues The Neurophysiology of Learning and Memory
Learning almost certainly involves a chain of electrophysiological and neuro-chemical changes in the brain. Such changes are currently very difficult to study in the human brain, but considerable progress is being made in understanding the processes involved in learning in less complex organisms. During the 1960s, a modal model proposed by Richard Atkinson and Richard Shiffrin assumed that information comes in from the environment through a parallel series of brief sensory memory stores and goes into a common short-term store. This is assumed to act as a working memory, capable of manipulating information and relating it to long-term storage. Indeed the short-term store forms a crucial link in this model; without it, neither the learning of new material nor the recollection of old information is possible. In today's competitive society, having powerful memory is a life-long asset that will give you an edge over the others, no matter what your professional life, academic pursuits or your day-to-day affairs. Imagine the efficiency and respect you obtain when you can confidently quote all information without fumbling or going through the hassle of searching the same piece of information. Or how about eliminating the tedium of memorizing information over and over again just to pass an examination or make a presentation? Price from 49.90 and above / per sets.