Choose from the various and most popular desktop application programs used in the current business world. We offer the latest versions and assist organizations to execute real-world business projects. Ongoing training and educational opportunities are the most important tools we can offer our customers. Understanding your system's full range of capabilities allows users to take advantage of its features quickly, easily and effectively. Students at SSD have the opportunity to work with the latest state of-the-art equipment under the guidance of our most experienced highly trained and professionally certified trainers. They are dedicated to assist you in keeping up with the latest technologies and improve on your efficiency and productivity. Our classrooms are designed and equipped to demonstrate the latest hardware and software tools and audio visual aids providing you with a high-tech, hands-on training experience. Based on each organisation's requirement, SSD can also accommodate on-site training. We can make arrangement for our trainers to come to your premises and conduct the training at your time and convenience. Call on SSD 's Training Evaluation Services to improve the value of your learning investments. Our experts can help you with:
Needs Analysis-Gain strategic information to align your training with our company's business goals. Training Evaluation-Let us help you measure what you want to manage. We specialize in producing valid information for decision making. Please contact us at 603-42569007 fro more information about our services.