Service tools with calibrated steps between 0.0 mV/V and 2.5 mV/Voutput - these are "must have" items for all service personnel. Fault finding times are dramatically reduced when identifying zero and span variations. The 0051 is fitted with dual trim pots for fine/coarse control of manually adjusted weight readings for testing purposes; setpoint values,zero band,zero tracking,outputs,etc. These tools can prove/disprove the integrity of the indicator and/or the load cell cable within minutes. Very easy to use - after calibrating the scale,simply connect the simulator to the indicator and note the weight readingsat each step. These figures should never change. If scale's zero or calibration alters, simply reconnect the 0050 to verify that the reference readings are the same. If so, then the fault is not in the indicator and must be in either the load cells,cables or the junction box. These tools can save hours of wasted diagnostic time (and embarrassment) by ensuring the technician has a reliable reference on which to base his findings;easily and quickly! Adaptor cables can be made to suit most indicators. Should you need to request for quotation of this product, please do not hesitate to email or call us, our staff will get back to you very soon.