EnerFlex™ CONTOUR is a saintifically formulated palatable premixed organic based soybean powder consumed as a beverage to help body fat mobilization and bodyline contouring without crash-dieting. EnerFlex™ CONTOUR is an extended formulation from its predecessor, EnerFlex™ COMBO. The potential efficacy is achieved through enhanced fat cells metabolism by EnerFlex™ COMBO, conjugated linoleic acid (CLA) producing probiotic - L. acidophilus (CCRC14709), and dietary fibre. The longer the product is consumed, the better the efficacy in bodyline contouring. Observational clinical study involving 52 volunteer overweight and obese sobjects taking EnerFlex™ COMBO for 4 weeks showed significant reductions in overall bodylines, body weight, body fat and health markers such as blood pressures, fasting glucoselevel, HbA1C, Total Cholesterol and Triglyceride levels. Positive responses on bodyline contouring were seen as early as 7 days in 130 subjects' feedback study. However, our experience showed that the degree of effectiveness is depending on individual genetic and tissue constituents. EnerFlex™ CONTOUR has an optimum protein - carbohydrate ratio of 0.75.